Wednesday, December 19, 2007

SEO Copywriting for the Big Bucks.

Hello Folks.

Been Blogging everywhere else, but not here. Figures.

Copywriting in general - those long pages about one product, self-help, millionaire or "lose all your weight and be invisible" web pages are in the past (for me) and have been for sometime. Looking at the copywriting blog I have set up (elsewhere) I do wonder why I bother calling it copywriting anymore as I write web site content more than anything else these days.

And to give it a name - SEO copywriting has also been the focus for a very long time. The problem with that is SEO service providers - at least half of them - are just big fat scammers. I look at a web site, analyze the stats, look over the tags and code, check the target market and do all the right things. Without going into a huge explanation here - I am starting to feel like the only person around who:
#1-wears a white hat and rides a white horse.
#2-does no ppc or adwords.
#3-follows up forever with clients.
#4-works well with other webmasters.
#5-gives a fair amount of work-time to each client.
...and the list goes on.

How anyone can call themselves an SEO company who recommends ppc or adwords is just beyond me. I suppose it is all in what your individual business ethics are - and it is business to the tune of Big Bucks for some companies. It's all about target markets, niche target markets and who can afford how much.

Research and study should be the focus for SEO service companies and not "how big is your web marketing budget?"

This should not be looked upon as a rant, but rather a warning and advice entry. Look local for SEO services so you can come face to face with the people you are doing business with or at least know where the offices are in your area. Otherwise you might be asking for trouble and an empty bank account.



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